Dan Shapiro, Candidate for Deerfield Mayor, Introduction and Priorities

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The other thing that we'll be talking about over the next couple of years is maintaining our services, but at the same time, being very cognizant of the fact that COVID and retail have taken a hit on our sales tax dollars. We're in a really good position. Our village staff, our finance department in particular is excellent at what they do. So we're very fortunate, but at the same time just like any other community the sales tax revenue has been less this year than and last year than in prior years. So we have to make some decisions on perhaps deferring some capital projects or looking at our budget very carefully to make sure that we're within our constraints within our limitations, but not sacrificing any services at all. http://www.solvecast.com/articles/detail/15366-dan-shapiro-deerfield-il-priorities-mp4

There are a couple of things that are coming before the board or some priorities, and I expect we'll be tackling soon which I'm very excited about. One is our affordable housing ordinance. Right now it's in the plan commission at the planning commission for its consideration. Affordable housing has been something that we've been looking at and talking about for a number of years. Their recommendation will come to us probably in the next 30 to 60 days. And then hopefully we'll be able to have an ordinance which allows us to achieve some affordable housing. Objectives and gives developers really an expectation of what they need to do in terms of that developments in and providing for housing for those who are less fortunate http://www.solvecast.com/articles/detail/15366-dan-shapiro-deerfield-il-priorities-mp4

We have some sustainability initiatives that are starting now that we will continue to have. We have a new waste hauler that will provide an an option for compost deliveries in hauling, which is great. There are several hundred people who've already signed up for that service, which really sets us apart from many of our neighbors that t even before the the new haulers starting... shows great interest in doing that and really so much better than our neighboring communities. http://www.solvecast.com/articles/detail/15366-dan-shapiro-deerfield-il-priorities-mp4

Last year was an incredible year, not only with COVID, but with greater calls for diversity and justice reform, et cetera. I'd like to see us try to move in that direction. I think the affordable housing ordinance is a great start. But other matters in which we can diversify our community, whether it be by race or income or other sorts of differences that we have that we can learn from as we embrace others into our community http://www.solvecast.com/articles/detail/15366-dan-shapiro-deerfield-il-priorities-mp4

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