
Chaya Topas

By Chaya Topas
Fascinating new author, ditched her paid day job to pursue writing full time.

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Fascinating new author, ditched her paid day job to pursue writing full time.

I had what would be considered a great job as the Director of Communications for a non-profit. Utilizing my background in branding, development, and marketing, I was laying the groundwork for the organization to succeed. But I wasn't succeeding. This job sucked the life out of me and I dreaded waking up in the morning. I didn't know what I wanted to do with my life otherwise, so why quit? I stayed, becoming more miserable by the day. However, six months ago, at nighttime, I started writing a kid's book that I had always joked I would write. By “always” I mean ever since I had kids. My husband and I, to help deal with the stress of raising children, would always joke around that when our kids were all grown up, we would visit them in their homes and wreak the same havoc that they are currently wreaking in ours. For instance, they love to take running leaps at our sofa and flip over the back of it, even though we have asked them not to. Instead of getting angry and yelling (which we'd like to do), we just turned to humor and said, "Well one day, we're going to flip over the back of YOUR sofa." Saying that relieves tension and helps us to discipline them from a place of love instead of anger. This book was born out of that idea, it's called "When We Visit You." It outlines all of the behaviors we wish they would stop and pretends that one day, we parents will enact those same behaviors in an act of parental revenge fantasy. “When We Visit You,” isn't about revenge though, it's about how, no matter what they do, we will always love our kids. This hilarious book teaches kids that we really just want them to listen to us, at least sometimes! Web version: Segment from television show: I quit my "good job" for this unknown future as an author. I self-published my book on Amazon (, and will be publishing more in the near future. It turns out that while writing may not be paying the bills, it's the most fulfilling job I have ever had. I think what makes me a good podcast guest is that I am enjoyable to listen to because I am full of positivity, and am expressive and secure in myself. I have a unique point of view about parenting, life, death, and pretty much everything in between! I hope you will consider having me as a guest on your show.


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