
Brad Cunningham

By Brad Cunningham
Unconventional Success Strategy for Creating Prosperity, Freedom & Fulfillment.

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Unconventional Success Strategy for Creating Prosperity, Freedom & Fulfillment.

I'm obsessed with finding your aligned purpose. My intention is lowering the global cases of stress, anxiety & depression by regulating perceptions into a higher balance. I also want to lower the global statistics of divorce by empowering relationships to grow co-independently. I also want to share the principles & strategies of the sequence to success in a way that is authentic to the individual. I have pioneered a unique way of instruction that also combines my other passion of live music that aids attention, retention & recall. Some of my achievements include I earned first runner up (2nd place) in the international competition ‘Entrepreneur X Factor’ in 2021. ‘Coursemarks’ rated my ‘3 Keys To Sustained Success’ a 9,4/10 and placed it in the top 4% out of 94.860 courses. MEA Business Awards 2022 selected myself & Success Loops as “Best Keynote Speaking & Professional Coaching Organisation - South Africa. Inspired Innovative Philanthropist.” Corporate LiveWire Innovation & Excellence Awards 2023 awarded myself and Success Loops “Professional Training Provider of the Year.” I have enjoyed sharing stages with other international speakers as well as multiple radio features & interviews. Besides inspirational speaking, I have created multiple online courses on ‘Success Loops Mastery’ training topics such as optimized mindset, balanced positivity, healthy corporate culture, personal development, elite success strategies and empowered relationships. I see myself as a Speaker, Coach, Inspirational Workshop Facilitator, Author, Course Creator, Philantropreneur. I'm happiest when I'm uplifting, empowering, enlightening & inspiring.


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