
Justin McSweeny

By Justin McSweeny
I am a podcast host seeking collaboration as both a guest and interviewer.

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I am a podcast host seeking collaboration as both a guest and interviewer.

As a host of an interview series myself, I've always been curious about an 'interview the interviewer' format. I might identify as a philosophical hobbyist. I am interested in philosophy of mind and ontology. At present, I enjoy process relational metaphysics and analytical idealism as curious systems to help decode ontological foundations. I also appreciate the exploration of small t teleology; or more clearly stated, personally generated telos. I am also interested in what I call the 'will to spirit'. It is humanity's drive to seek the transcendent as a means to relate to the ordinary. I am interested in general audience or popular level psychology and cognitive science as well. I can talk about tropical botany and horticulture, film and music too. I am not an expert in anything, but I do have passion for what I claim to understand. Although I am nontheistic, I do love to talk about mysticism, especially late medieval Sufic and low country Christian mysticism. I also much appreciate talking about and learning from Advita Vedanta and teachers such as Shankara and in more recent history, Sri Aurobindo. What I am drawn to above all is dialoguing about human wellbeing and thriving in an otherwise chaotic, natural and contrived world.


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