
Doug Godkin

By Doug Godkin
Doug Godkin With Ameo Life has been working for over 15 Years With Top Scientist and supplement form...

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Doug Godkin With Ameo Life has been working for over 15 Years With Top Scientist and supplement formulators, Learning How To Bullet Proof Your Immune System.

Doug Godkin - After a career ending injury as a firefighter, Doug Godkin quickly learned that in order to resume his normal life would have to take his healing journey into his own hands. This led Doug on a quest through natural healing and he developed a passion for understanding what is truly making and keeping the body sick and how the body is designed to heal naturally. Over the past 15 years, Doug has worked with some of the most gifted scientists, researchers and doctors, has had the opportunity to work in numerous labs, and has had a hand in formulating and developing many different supplements, including pH Balanced Alkaline Structured Silver, that are positively impacting lives around the world. The Ameo Life Co-Founder also authored the book The Healing Power of Silver under the pen name, James Douglas. The purpose of the book is to provide education on all aspects of Silver based wellness and the many different areas silver assists the body in healing by eliminating yeast, bacteria, fungus, mold and viruses. He also has a true passion for people and is a Certified Executive Coach, Human Resource Professional and active contributor to community and business leadership engagements. Building empowered teams and developing people based organizations where everyone becomes successful together.


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